
Monday, September 19, 2016

Passport to Romance update!

I don't know about you, but I'm super excited about this event! It's free, you get to meet cool authors who are both local, from the PNW, and from around the country. It is pretty freaking amazing.

Oh, and did I fail to mention that you get awesome free books and swag if you attend on top of getting to meet authors! Yes, actual authors who have crawled out of their authoring hole, I have first hand knowledge of this (aka myself), to interact with their readers!

This event is located at the Bellevue Westin in Bellevue, Washington and runs from 6-8 pm!

Take a look at this awesome page to see who all will be attending!

(also don't forget to vote in the cover contest!)

There are so many I can't even count! So I'll just copy and paste)

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