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I can't wait until the reports come back on what exactly has been discovered floating around KIC 8462852 star. The strange light frequencies have led some to believe that there is a structure that is currently storing and absorbing energy from the KIC star. If they are correct, why is it being stored, who or what is using the stored energy, and why is such a large structure needed to store the energy in the first place.
Some astrophysicist's say that alien solar systems harbor about 2 habitat planets, and with the continued discovery of new planets orbiting other suns, it's little surprise that with update equipment more and more planets are being discovered. These discoveries are always helpful since the help refine current models and continue to shake up standard beliefs.
So say that this item circling the sun is actual "man" made, what then? Is earth going to suddenly stop fighting itself and start arming against a possible alien invasion? Are we going to amp up our space programs that has continued to have been butchered over the last decade, because knowing what space junk is flying towards are planet isn't important (see Halloween asteroid). Will space exploration take on a new track?
Only the future will hold the answers, I just hope we're around long enough to find out!
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